Sunday, October 22, 2006

My First Blog

So, here we go then. My first blog. As a prelude to what i presume(though most of my presumptions end up biting the dust) is to be a long tryst with blogging, i wanna say that i begin this, not to join another herd of humanity from all over the planet, though i would indeed accomplish the same in doing so, but for a reason unknown to me.
Ever since i was introduced to the concept of blogging, (by accident), it has held a certain charm for me. The way people can divulge their innermost thoughts for the world to see, its got to be liberating feeling. Just like in school after you've talked to a friend and told her/him about a crush you have. Also i'm here to organise my own thoughts, just like the introduction to this websites claims for blogging to do.

I've been living for a long time with a truly, and comically tragic and messed up mind. Its not that i'm one of those people(commonly referred to as "losers") who sit by themselves in a corner. What they do then is think, thought which is unabashed by comments of their "friends", jeering of people who think they are superior in some way or the other. Thats right, i speak so much in their favour coz i've been there myself, and i speak for myself and by experience when i say they are much better off than you, you being all those who are mistakenly, coincidentally, sometimes by choice and sometimes, and i say this with extreme sarcasm, by plain chance, in the company of people who you have suddenly come to realise, you don't even like, let alone care about. Its a strange feeling isn't it, not knowing what the the hell you've been doing all this time.

Not just in such a case, just like, for example, you've been playing a game, in the beginning trying to learn the mechanisms and hooplas of it all. Without having the slightest inkling of an idea whats happening, you go to the next phase of the game. You've learnt how to play it, and are now becoming increasingly proficient at it. Little accomplishments, little goals you achieve, which you never knew had been set for you by yourself, give you such unparalleled happiness that you're in high spirits the entire day and more. Then one day you realise you've become so dexterous with the game and take it for granted. Thats when the shit really hits the fan. The next day(or the next month, or year, depending on your own whatever) you suddenly realise you don't like the game anymore. But you still must play it coz thats the only thing you're good at anymore. You can't live without it even though it drives you so mind bogglingly crazy that you have to shut your mind completely from it, but you can't. You're too attached. And thats when you stop caring. You dont care you're getting increasingly incompetent at the game but still play it coz thats the only thing you know how to do. You liberate yourself from the very thing you used to enjoy so much, thinking about the meaningless pleasure and satisfaction it gave you. You do miss it, but not so much. Coz you're free now. Free of a petty thing you used to want to dedicate your entire life to. You keep playing it then. Without even knowing you're doing it, but still doing it. You're not addicted to it, but still just can't do without it. Thats when you've lost the game. Coz you're not really playing anymore.

You're just a spectator, a spectator of your own life. And you're watching it pass you by. There are so many things you can do about it. But you don't. Why? Coz you dont feel like it. You don't care about that shit anymore, you don't care about your life anymore. You don't care anymore. That's the worst place to be. Knowing there's so much you can do to help yourself, but still not doing squat, not because something is holding you back, but because you just don't want to.

The game will always go on. You may want to play it, or not.

Well. I hope i didn't get too depressing there. Sorry i couldn't be more subtle and fancy in my choice of words back there. Excuse my spellings and stuff. i'll be careful about crossing my i's and dotting my t's in the future, if that makes sense.
i'm not wholly unfunny though, as you might realise in later posts(if they do come). Thats it for the first one. C ya.


Anonymous said...

oh man u seem to have thoguht a lot abt these thgs n u truly have gone through n noticed wat u ve written.its so evident.each word of urs is true n m sure evryone who has gone thro this agrees..its so true n yet so amazin to knw....
keep posting...

Anonymous said...

hey man awsome stuff...deserves applause, i can relate a lot 2 goosebumps while reading cant say more:-D.. superb beginning! keep blogging..

Anonymous said...

wha was tht......tht completely shook me ...n tht too nt fr a sec bt for a long time aftr i read tht....tht ws smthin every1 hs xperiencd but nevr thot f it or infcat nevr tried to put it nto word....n here ma frnd did tht job.....!!
n i cn bet it dint tuk u much tim to rit this......coz the more u think the less xpressiv u bcome....!!
keep the gud work going man...
cheers !!

Anonymous said...

i don't know wer u get thes amazing out burst of creative though

Siddarth Malhotra said...

Dude, whatever u said, i could so easily relate to, i have been down that road myself so many times, and am even treading it once more as i speak. I know it is sad, but sometimes u just wanna be left alone n swim in ur pool of thoughts, all alone. And yeah the fact that u know u r depressed n hurt n u r worthless, still u can't do anythin to change it, coz whatever u do, it can never bring u to feeling even remotly close to how u felt when u never worried about those thoughts. I have come to realise, that as time passes by, u can forget everythin except the true feelings that u once had, and will always have, be it towards someone, or something. Some time back, i just thought that i couldn't play this game of life anymore, it had become too much for me to handle, but then i realised that my life is just not mine, i mean a lot to atleast a handful of ppl, which include my friends and family, and as much as i hate to play this stupid game, i will still have to carry on, for the sake of my loved ones.

I dunno if i am making any sense over here or not, but i guess u'll be a better judge of it, coz i think u can feel what i am trying to say.

nadeem khan said...

all ur friends have already said what it means! your ideas are too good to be appreciated in words! u are a terrefic writer! i was totally absorbed into the blog, made me speechless! u are indeed a man of golden words and a man of gr8 thoughts! keep the work up man
u rock!!

Anonymous said...

alrite...hmm..finally i agree on ur view point in telling all tat at sme point or the other we all are loosers..sometimes atleast in our lives...n those who think they are nt arent accepting i mst say tat the blog was made me realsie my days of being a looser...hmm...i agree wid it..
gud piece of mind

u left me wondering!

upecmustang said...

intense thoughts dawg...
I like the game analogy. Kinda makes you feel sorry for being good at the wrong things or something.
cheers anyways...keep writing...